Pulver Motor Service

Impound Information

Pulver Motor Service

Impound Information

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What you need to get your vehicle out of impound:

  • No Current Police Holds (Written release may be needed for any police holds)
  • Vehicle Proof of Ownership– Current (Title or Registration) - Pulver can lookup Registration - ID must match. (additional fees for Auto Data/ MN Drive Lookup)  
  • Vehicle Owner Must Be Present with Photo Identification (Driver’s License required if driving from lot)
  • IF NOT the Vehicle Owner - The Vehicle Owner must call and provide ID by text or email and provided authorization for Release on their behalf. 
  • Auto Insurance – Current (MN State Law if driving from the lot)
  • Auto insurance is not required if the vehicle is being towed from the lot.
  • Payment in full – (Cash, Checks and credit cards are accepted additional fees may be applied on credit cards) - Additional Payment Plan Options are Available if you are not able to pay the charges in full.  


Vehicle Owners and Lien Holders will receive notice of impoundment by mail within five (5) business days of the vehicle being impounded. If you do NOT respond to the first notice a second notice will be sent by certified mail on day thirty (30) of impoundment. If you fail to respond to the second notice you will lose your right to the vehicle and the contents in the vehicle on the forty fifth (45) day of impoundment. (You are still responsible for the charges for services provided to your vehicle) Please reference Minnesota Statute 168B.087 


For questions regarding letters received and payment plans contact the Pulver vehicle processing center during regular business hours -507-828-5720


  • Auto Insurance  –  It Is Required to show proof of collision coverage if a vehicle owner is removing the vehicle without paying towing and storage fees.
    • Vehicle remains in the lot – Only contents can be removed without payment of services (Unless the contents are on a preservations hold) 
    • Collision coverages are listed on the policy Declarations page - Pulver can assist you with starting a claim with your insurer or the at fault insurer.  
    • Pulver provides notice of incident to insurers / in most cases the insurer starts a claim to document the incident. 
    • For assistance with starting an insurance claim contact the Pulver Insurance Assistance Center during regular business hours 507-828-5720 
  • Release to Insurance – Verbal or written release from the vehicle owner - for someone else to release the vehicle on their behalf ask for circumstances that would be acceptable.  
  • ALL Owners, Insurance Adjusters, and salvage transport vendors are required to check in at the office prior to entering a vehicle.    
  • Know your Rights - reference Minnesota Statute 72A.201 - Insurers must follow the laws when handling insurance claims. Pulver does NOT require proof of subsidy to access contents inside the vehicle - Therefore, no written denial to contents is required - If law enforcement or other agency has a preservation hold on the vehicle and or contents you will be directed to contact the agency that placed the hold.      


Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm

After Hours/Saturday/Sunday/Holiday by appointment - You must call the location the Vehicle is located at to set up an appointment.


(507) 282-3851


(507) 828-5720


(507) 828-5720


(507) 433-9129


(507) 282-3851

Valley Springs, SD

(507) 828-5720


(507) 282-3851

Call (507) 282-3851